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What is Child Care?

What is Child Care?

What is Child Care?

It's an excellent question that deserves to be answered, and it's also the raison d'être of bblüv.

Childcare is all the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to optimise the development of young children, especially babies.

If we go back to the Latin origins of the word, its exact meaning is "rearing of toddlers". Given that babies and young children are at the peak of their neuromotor, emotional and psychosocial development, childcare is as much an art as a science.

Childcare is a concept based on conscious, caring parenting, in which the baby's development takes place in a playful context (both for the baby and the parents) and is centred on the baby's needs to help optimise his or her development.

To put things in perspective, paediatrics is the science in which doctors often take care of babies and children in a curative approach, whereas childcare is a preventive approach that falls to parents. Initially, it is mainly the mother's responsibility, particularly during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.

Although experts in early childhood and child psychology have fairly similar recommendations about what is needed to optimise a baby's development, this must be done in balance with parental values and the family context.

The areas in which childcare can be applied will vary according to age and may include the following aspects:

  • Living in an environment that is physically and emotionally safe
  • Eating healthily in a pleasant environment, starting with the quality of the mother's diet during pregnancy
  • Having plenty of stimulating and pleasant interpersonal interaction with parents, other adults and other children
  • Having sufficient rest time to recuperate properly, grow and consolidate the learning acquired during the early-learning period.

The concept of childcare begins during pregnancy, with communication with baby in the womb and actions such as drawing up a birth plan. It is spread over a variable period depending on the child's development and the evolution of the relationship of dependence with the parents.

In short, childcare is an exciting and fulfilling way to experience parenthood while raising children who will have the tools they need to reach their full potential!